Search the Index
Sydney Benevolent Asylum
Index to Admissions and Discharges 1857-1900
Wild-Card Searches
The % sign functions as a wild-card. It signifies any character. Thus, "J%" means all strings that begin with the alphabet J.
Similarly "%S" selects strings that end with S and "%H%", strings that contain the alphabet H.
Okay, let's list all the records that have John as the First Name
In the Surname box enter % and in the First Name box enter John.
Okay, let's list all the records where the Surname begins with W
In the Surname box enter W% and in the First Name box enter the desired name or leave blank to return all.
Important Notes
- Surname field must not be left blank.
- You cannot combine wild-card characters searches with Soundex.
Searching using Soundex
If you wish to search the database using Soundex please check the Soundex box above.
What is Soundex?
The Soundex code was developed to help negate the effects of all the spelling variations that can occur for similar sounding names (Meyer, Meier, Mire, and Smith, Smithe, Smythe, etc.). This way, you can search the records based on a Soundex code (how a surname sounds) and *not* by how it is spelled.
The Soundex system is not infallible. But, for the most part, the soundex system is a cool tool for the researcher.
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